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My Chicken Eggs

Customer Care & Info

Hi, my name is Joe and here are a couple things about my chicken's eggs. I have 11 beautiful backyard chickens that lay wonderful eggs daily. Every morning I go out and feed them a chicken scratch with corn, wheat, and a seed assortment. Then I throw out a protein mix that has dried papaya, wheat tablets that are high in protein, mustard seeds, and pea seeds. This mixture along with all of the goodies they find in the grass throughout the day to dig up, creates a wholesome and healthy egg. My eggs are collected daily and are extremely fresh. They come in all sorts and colors such as brown, brown speckled, and cream. They also vary in size. I love all the different colors and sizes and how diverse they are. Let me know by email or feedback form any questions that you have. 

Egg Health Benefits

Eggs are very nutritious. They are rich in protein and various vitamins. They are a good, fast, filling breakfast in the morning or throughout the day. They are also great for baking cakes, pastries, and other foods you may cook. My chickens are free ranging whole grain fed birds. Each chicken has its own personality and I love them all very much. Feel free to drop by the blog page to see more about each and everyone of them.

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